5 Tips For Oily Prone Skin.

Having oily or acne prone skin can be very frustrating. When you’ve tried everything you can find and nothing seems to help. 

As a person who has struggled with oily and acne prone skin for years. All through my teens and twenties. Then I was taught why nothing was working and found the right solution. For the first time in my life I loved my skin.

In this blog post, I’m sharing the 5 secrets I learned that has helped my oily face to one I love.

  • Why skincare care systems are not all the same. 

  • Why washing your face morning and night is so important. 

  • Why you still need a moisturizer

  • Why activated charcoal is beneficial for your skin

  • Why to avoid touching your face. (I know it’s hard)

Secret #1) Why skincare care systems are not all the same

When you're looking for a skincare system, it looks like skincare is one size fits all. But that is far from the truth. These are formulated for different skin types and concerns. You need to find a skincare system for your individual skin type for it to work effectively. So for oily or combination skin, you want a cleanser and moisturizer that’s specifically created for it. 

I’ll never forget the first time I used a cleanser and moisturizer that was specifically formulated for my oily skin, how my skin felt after one use. For the first time in my life I loved how my skin looked and felt. Even though you shouldn’t, but I couldn’t help it. I couldn’t stop touching my face or looking in the mirror. It truly makes a difference. 

Secret #2) Why washing your face morning and night is so important

When you have oily prone skin, its especially important to wash your face both morning and night. Not only is it refreshing after a long day, but you will have a clean face, remove the dirt and oil buildup through the day.

Think of your face being like the windshield of a car. It’s the first thing that hits everything! You don’t want to go to bed, then all the dirt and oil on your pillow case. Yuck! Even if you wash your pillowcase on a regular basis, that’s still a lot of dirt and oil on it. Which inturn causes acne or blemishes. Noone wants that. 

BONUS: You want to wash or change your pillowcase at least once a week. If you are having a lot of blemishes or sweat a lot in your sleep you can change it twice a week.. 

Secret #3) Why you still need a moisturizer

Be sure to use a moisturizer!! I am sure you're thinking exactly what I did. “My skin is oily. Why do I need to moisturize?” Wouldn’t that make my skin more oily?” It’s actually the opposite! Having oily skin needs more moisture than you may think. When your face isn’t getting the hydration it needs. It actually creates more oil as a way to make up for what’s lacking. So if it’s not getting any moisture, the more oil it produces. 

At this point in time I was just washing my face with water and no moisturizer. When I learned this, what a shock. But when I tried it…OMG it worked.

If you are sick and tired of your oily skin and ready for a change. Here is a link to the skincare system I use that has changed my life. 

Secret #4) Why activated charcoal is beneficial for your skin

Add an activated charcoal mask (wash away…NOT PEEL) to your weekly skincare routine. Activated charcoal acts like a magnet that pulls the access oil, dirt, and impurities from your pores. 

It has other great benefits for your skin. Here’s just to name a few: detoxifies, removes dead skin cells, and brightens skin. 

Secret #5) Why to avoid touching your face. (I know it’s hard)

Try to avoid touching your face. I know it’s hard..at least for me. Our hands get so dirty so easily. It can spread dirt, bacteria, and more oil on your face. 

According to Healthline.com a study showed that we touch our faces 16 times an hour. This not only effects your skin, but also increases your risk of infection. If you want to learn more. Click here

You don’t have any control over what skin type you have, but you can manage it. Managing your skin by having a skincare system specifically created for the skin type, wash face morning and night, use a moisturizer, use activated charcoal mask, and avoid touching your face. 

Once I learned the mistakes I was doing with my oily prone skin and found a system that actually works (since 2017). I have fallen in love with my skin. My confidence has grown blossomed. I’m smiling more and feel beautiful.

I want this for you too. If you’re ready to ditch the oily skin to a skin you can love. I urge you to use the system that has not only transformed my skin, but thousands of others. Click here to get started.

If you’re not ready to go all in on treating your oily skin. Click here to receive a FREE customized sample mailed to you!!


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